I'm Holding On To Something That Used To Be There Hoping It Will Come Back, Knowing It Won't

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy One Month Anti-versary To Me & NCS

today is a complete month that i have been working in NCS pte ltd. To begin with i am not really into this job. but i have to say that i have quite a handful of stuff that i learn from k. siti, pauleen, patsie and even kelvin. i even got the chance to experience an event organised by Cath which i think is Fucking useful to me in the future (of course.)

and not only that, the ride to my work place was pretty enjoy-able. well besides the fact that i always thought that i was heading to SCHOOL (some emo stuff laa) but also there's three cute BOYS that keeps me goin. one is an army guy who totally stay near my place cos every day he's at MY bus-stop. and we took the same bus together too. and another one is this cool-est malay guy who is from ite. he wears a baseball cap like every single. and play hockey. how cool? he was at my bus-stop today. and we alight at the interchange everyday! haha.

oh ya and one more guy. he just totally reminds me of Mun. he look exactly like her. he have this boy-ish kinda face and all so pretty. i don't see much him much often. only twice actually.

let's give them each a name for easier remember-ing..
the army guy- sergeant
the ite guy who plays hockey - hooker
the Mun-lookalike - monkey



oh ya, last sat, i went to have dinner with Bear. we get to experient our first melissa-ryan-ferris-wheel-ride which i was (just like ryan) scared of height. (ryan and melissa appear in the OC if you still don't know.) the best night i ever had so far. total amaze-ment.

(it was the day i got my pay too.)

but now, i'm left with not much.


june is coming. which means there will be alot of sales and for the first time, i'm ready for it. which also means there are ALOT of presents to get. BIRTHDAYS!!!


i checked and the last time i blogged was on the 8th May. it's been a week! arghh...

that's all foolks.


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